(yang) which, who.
(yaitu) that is, namely, viz,…
1. (yang lain) the other.…
(Yang Maha Esa) the One…
(yang menjalankan jabatan) acting, holding…
see AYO.
program for providing iodized salt.
/yogya/ proper, fitting.
/Yohannes/ 1 male name. 2…
distance, field of vision.
see AYO.
(Crd.) joker.
(Batalyon) battalion.
short haircut (for women).
see YOKER.
(China) tofu filled with meat.
/yu/ you (distant but informal).
(yang terhormat) the honorable (on…
(yang tersebut) mentioned.
1. see MBAK. 2. see…
o. who celebrates his or…
/yudha/ (Lit.) war.
1 Latinate citation on a…
Yugoslav, Yugoslavia.
/yuk/ see AYO.
see JULI.
/yungkto/ (Leg.) in connection with.
1 (Sport) junior, pertaining to…
k.o. college preparatory school emphasizing…