1 ugly. 2 bad, evil…
dribble, slobber.
lie scattered about.
surprised, stunned into silence.
tap or touch s.t. lightly.
fall backward with a plop,…
1 charming, ravishing, beautiful 9of…
see JELEK.
hair-splitting, meticulous.
cast a sideways glance, ogle.
men-jelir project, protrude, stick out.
1 lovely, sweet. 2 graceful,…
look around in a confused…
men-jelma assume a form.
1 incarnation, creation. 2 thing…
(Java) 1 irked, piqued, annoyed.…
bark cloth.
1 baste (a hem). 2…
cup, container.
ber-jelum bathe by wetting the…
men-jelumat mend with fine stitching.…
men-jelungkap 1 spring loose. 2…
see CACAR.
viscous. men-jelunut adhere, cohere, stick.
(Coll.) jealous, spiteful.
men-jelut 1 feel upset in…
k.o. tree that produces milky…
jam, jelly.