1 community, assembly. 2 (Rel.)…
later on, in the future.
1 head. 2 skull.
se-jemang a moment.
conceited, arrogant.
measure of lenght, two fathoms…
men-, ter-(jembak-jembak) flutter in the…
k.o. supernatural creature, gnome.
1 bridge. 2 bridge, bond…
1 poor, shabby, squalid. 2…
(Jakarta) dirty, muddy.
k.o. dagger.
k.o. confection of fried cassava.
/jembrut/ see JAMBRUD.
(Java, Jakarta) pubic hair.
spangle, sequin.
1 turn a somesault, tumble…
(Java) arrow.
1 thumb. 2 thumbs up,…
1 a pinch. 2 a…
1 pick up service, limousine.…
1 tired. 2 sick of,…
filthy, covered with dirt, mud,…
1. caraway seed. 2. (Sunda)…
1 sunbathe. 2 dry in…
1 items being dried. 2…
[jenderal] (Mil.) general.